Air Studios · Travel

Montserrat: The Musical

I've had an idea. People who know Montserrat will know it is full of theatrical, musical, literary, and entrepreneurial talent. Apart from climate and natural beauty, this is what attracts visitors to the island, but could this also be a cultural export? Now that I'm back in London, I'm back into my routine of going… Continue reading Montserrat: The Musical

Air Studios · Travel

40 Years Ago: Yacht Rock Comes to Montserrat

After the big names in pop music had packed up and gone home, when synth-pop was just about to pass its peak, and before the guitar gods and metal bands found their way to Montserrat, we had Air Supply for a short time working on their self-titled eighth album. Despite originating in Australia, I'd probably… Continue reading 40 Years Ago: Yacht Rock Comes to Montserrat